Thursday, February 2, 2012

On Health and Healing

February 5, 2012

Dear Friends,

In my last message, I wrote about the therapeutic effect of non-resistance, and how it is possible to reduce the severity of any pain that you may be experiencing by allowing yourself to feel your pain just as it is . . . instead of resisting it. Sometimes, it is your resistance to pain that causes it to increase in intensity and become unbearable.

However—as I pointed out at the end of that message—non-resistance may lessen the severity of your pain, but it might not eliminate it altogether, or remove its cause. This is especially true with a serious physical condition. And that is why I also recommend seeking the assistance of a certified health professional. That said, though, is there anything that you—yourself—can do to help heal a physical problem at its source? Yes, there is. Here are three suggestions:

First, affirm in your mind what you Know to be True in your heart: that your body is already at work to cure your illness or repair your injury. Remember that your body is continually in the healing mode, and—within certain limits—it is a very powerful healer all by itself. The main thing that slows down that natural healing process is stress. When you consciously affirm the healing power of your body—and are grateful for that—the peace and comfort you feel helps ease the tension within your body, and creates a relaxed environment that is more conducive to healing.

Second, enhance your body’s healing response through the power of visualization. A number of years ago, I created a visualization that continues to be particularly effective for me. In a light state of meditation, I picture my True Body as a Body of Light—a translucent, three-dimensional, “spiritual blueprint” of my body. Then I imagine my material body continually attempting to match that spiritual blueprint—removing what is not on the blueprint, and restoring what is on it. Don’t underestimate the power of visualization. I once developed a small cyst on my thumb, and a much larger one on my scalp. But both completely disappeared in a matter of weeks when I spent some time each morning visualizing the healing process I just described.

Finally, make sure that you are being completely open and receptive to divine guidance—the kind of guidance that may lead you to something else that is essential for your healing. Through divine signs, synchronicities, or people who appear in your path, you may be divinely directed to a specific health professional, or guided to a particular kind of medicinal herb. Or, through your own intuitive sense, you may become aware of some other way that you can directly promote your recovery, such as changing your diet or revising your exercise regimen. Remember, though, if you want to be truly open and receptive to divine counsel, it necessary to maintain a present and positive state of mind . . . and, yes, that can be somewhat of a challenge—especially if your illness or injury is particularly distracting or disturbing.

Regardless of how you are divinely guided in your healing—whether you are directed to consult a traditional medical specialist, led to a homeopathic healer or an acupuncturist, inspired to alter your diet, or guided to pursue any combination of these things and more—keep in mind that every health challenge can offer you some kind of gift. Your illness or injury may help you live a more balanced life by reminding you of what is truly important in this world. Or, it may simply serve to renew your appreciation for the gift of good health. Whatever challenge you face, I invite you to look for the blessing in it.

Here’s to your health, your healing, and your wholeness.



© 2012 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC

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