Saturday, February 25, 2012

Creativity and The Divine Flow

February 26, 2012

Dear Friends,

As I often mention, your intuition is the most valuable, reliable, and consistent source of divine guidance that you have in life. Your intuition is your inner Spirit speaking to you. And the very best way to enhance your ability to “hear” the voice of your Spirit is through a daily practice of meditation. Meditation quiets your mind, creating gaps between your thoughts. And it is through those gaps that the wisdom of your Spirit is able to make its way into the world.

The trouble is, many people have difficulty meditating—let alone, meditating on a daily basis. Just like a fitness regimen, meditating consistently requires a fair amount of discipline, and there are many things that can disrupt a daily meditation routine, such as illness, travel, and so on.

So, the question is this: Is there anything else that you can do to enhance your ability to be open and receptive to intuitive guidance? Yes, there is. You can nurture your innate creative nature. You may not realize it, but creativity and intuition are intimately joined, because they both spring from the same ultimate Source. That Source is the Universal Mind of the Divine, and your Spirit is an individual expression of that Mind.

In other words, just as your Spirit is your direct connection to divine guidance, it is also your connection to divine ideas—the kind of insights and inspiration we call “creative.” Anything you can do to enhance your creative abilities will, at the same time, enhance your intuitive abilities.

Although some people have no problem fully expressing their creative nature, others—for a variety of reasons—are a bit inhibited in that area. If you feel that you are in the latter group, here are eight suggestions to help you elevate your creativity.

1. Identify something that needs a creative solution in your life, and stay focused on that. Perhaps there is something creative you want to write, or something creative you want to build. Maybe you need a creative way to solve a personal problem, or a creative way to handle a business issue.

2. Thoroughly contemplate your project or problem for a while. Consider any and all options, and don’t rule out anything. But then, stop thinking about it and go do something else. For a few hours, or even a few days, take your mind off of your creative pursuit. Remember that you cannot effectively “think” your way to a truly creative solution. Your goal is to create an open mental environment, so a divinely inspired idea has some room to arise in your consciousness on its own.

3. Add a little variety to your life. Meet new people. Read new books. Try new foods. Vary your daily routine. When you are open to new things coming into your life, you will also be open to new ideas and concepts occurring to you.

4. Exercise. Because of the mind and body’s close connection, exercise not only keeps the body flexible, it also keeps the mind flexible.

5. Listen to the music that inspires you the most. Whether it’s ethereal or energetic, you have probably already identified what kind of music is more conducive to your creativity.

6. Find the best place to be creative. For all of us, there are special places that just make us “feel” creative. It might be a quiet corner in a cozy room, a bench in a garden, or a hilltop that overlooks the countryside. Where is your special place?

7. Find the best time to be creative. Some people are more open to inspiration at 4 o’clock in the morning. Not me! I am at my creative best between 7 a.m. and noon. Others I know are night owls, getting their best ideas from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. What time of day do you feel especially clear-headed?

8. If possible, go to your special place at your special time daily. In my third suggestion, I said that variety enhances creativity. And it does. But when you also have a particular time and place that is devoted exclusively to creative endeavors, your mind gets conditioned to that time and place, and a more creative mind-set is automatically “triggered.”

Please understand that the above suggestions are not meant to be a replacement for a daily practice of meditation. I still consider meditation to be the most effective way of elevating your intuitive abilities. However, short of that, nurturing your creative nature is also a very good way to open yourself up to the guidance of your Spirit. And opening yourself up to divine direction is a must, if you want to live life in the divine flow and fulfill your heart’s desires effortlessly.



© 2012 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC

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