Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanks for Everything!

November 28, 2010

Dear Friends,

On Thursday, November 25th, citizens of the United States celebrated Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is that one special day of the year when we take time to express our gratitude for all the things in our lives that we really do appreciate, but often forget to be consciously thankful for . . . such as food, family, and friends.

Well, here’s a challenge for you: Can you also be thankful for the things in your life that you do not appreciate? Can you be thankful for the people in your life that you hold resentments against? Can you be thankful for the circumstances in your life that have brought you discomfort . . . or even pain?

Yes, you can . . . if you see those challenges as opportunities to discover what your blocks to loving are. Yes, you can . . . if you see those challenges as opportunities to heal wounds you may have forgotten you have. Yes, you can . . . if you see those challenges as opportunities to remember how precious life is, and to renew your appreciation for it.

When you look at the challenges in your life as opportunities to mature emotionally and spiritually, everything that occurs in your life can be viewed as a blessing. And blessings are something that you are thankful for, right?

So, during this time of Thanksgiving—and throughout the year—be thankful not only for the “good” in your life, but also for what you judge to be “not so good.”

Be thankful for the entire experience of life, including the opportunities it gives you to grow in wisdom and compassion.

Be thankful for the entire experience of life, including the opportunities it gives you to grow in your ability to love others—and to love yourself —unconditionally.

Be thankful for the entire experience of life, including the opportunities it gives you to remember that life itself is a sacred gift . . . a gift that is meant to be enjoyed to its fullest, and never taken for granted.

I invite you to join me in giving thanks today and every day . . . for everything.


P.S. I offer my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who have supported my work this year with your kind comments, your purchases, and your donations. Whether you share your thoughts with me, or share your prosperity with me, your expressions of appreciation help keep this labor of love alive. And I am grateful. Bless you all!

© 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Flow of Abundance, Part 2

November 21, 2010

Dear Friends,

Last week I wrote about the flow of abundance in your life. I pointed out how you may be restricting that flow by focusing too narrowly on the channels of abundance that you are already used to, or by confusing a “channel” of income with the true, underlying “source” of all financial blessings . . . that infinitely creative force that some call God, and others call—appropriately enough—Source!

Well, here is another way that you might be inadvertently limiting your abundance. It’s by dwelling on the desire to make more money. I realize that desire doesn’t sound very limiting. But let’s examine that desire for a moment and see if it is something that you really want to focus on.

First of all, is money what you really want? Or is it an experience of comfort, security, adventure, or beauty that money can offer you?

I define the divine flow as an underlying current that is continually guiding you toward the effortless fulfillment of your heart's desires. But what your heart desires—what your divine spirit desires—is generally an experience of life. So that is what you should be focusing on . . . the experience you want to have . . . not just money.

Money is not an experience. It is a means to an end. And in many cases, when you are following the divine flow, you will discover that money isn’t even required to achieve your desire. Sometimes, the experience you desire is provided for you without cost at all! It comes to you freely, as a gift from the universe.

One time, for example, I saw a painting of an angel that I really wanted—a painting that would satisfy my desire to experience more beauty in my life. The painting cost $400. And I was willing to pay that price. But through a series of unusual mistakes, I was never charged for the painting. I tried to settle the bill several times with both the credit card company and the online merchant that was selling the piece. But both companies insisted that I owed nothing, and that the painting was mine, free and clear. I felt like I had received a divine present.

And what about the idea that you want to make more money? Do you really want to make more money? Or do you just want to have more money?

The act of “making” often entails effort and struggle. When, instead, you focus on what it is you want to experience, any money that may be required to have that experience flows to you naturally as part of the manifestation process.

Sometimes, you will receive money through miraculous channels like the ones I described last week. More commonly, though, you will receive it through some kind of work that you do. When work is involved, it may look like you have undertaken that endeavor to “make money.” But if you truly enjoy your work—and I hope you do—is making money your main objective? Or is making money simply the beneficial result of doing what you enjoy doing? Isn’t it the latter?

So, my friends, do you really want to make more money? Or, is your true desire to have some wonderful new experiences? If experiences are what you are after, then focus on that! Let the universe know in no uncertain terms exactly what it is you want to experience.

When you do that—when you focus on the experiences you want to have, rather than the money that may (or may not) be required to have those experiences—you will find your desires being fulfilled in a much more effective, efficient, and effortless manner.


© 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Flow of Abundance

November 14, 2010

Dear Friends,

By simply observing nature, we can learn a lot about living life in the divine flow. For example, the way a tree bends in the wind reminds us of the importance of being flexible instead of rigid. And the way a flower pops up from a crack in the concrete reminds us that a blessing can bloom in almost any environment.

And then there is the way one hummingbird will tenaciously guard a feeder and scare away all the other hummingbirds that come to eat—reminding us that we live in a world of lack and limitation, and there is simply not enough good to go around.

What? Well, that how it appears when you watch the way some hummingbirds behave. “There is not enough! This is mine!” That seems to be the general idea that some of these tiny birds are expressing. Sound familiar? Know any human beings with that kind of mindset?

Obviously, friends, the lesson here is not that the universe is limited in its ability to amply supply everyone’s needs. The lesson here is quite the opposite.

I believe we live in an infinitely abundant universe—a universe that is continually responding to everyone’s needs through an unlimited number of channels. We block our experience of that abundant flow, however, whenever we remain too narrowly focused on the channels of abundance that we are already familiar with . . . such as our employers, our benefactors, or the government. The fact is, the universe is infinitely inventive in coming up with ways to prosper us.

I once read about a man who bit into a clam in a Florida restaurant and discovered a purple pearl worth $25,000. Not only are purple pearls extremely rare, but it is also very unusual to find a pearl in a clam instead of an oyster. And clams are not even something that this gentleman typically orders!

And then there was the time I needed an additional $2,500 to pay some unexpected bills. One day, my car was slightly damaged in a shower of cement fragments that fell off an office building that I was parked next to. The damage was very minor—just a few nicks and dings here and there. But because the damage was spread across several panels of the car, the cost of repairs was much more than one would expect. The owner of the building, though, was happy to write me a check for that expense . . . a check that I used to pay my bills instead of repair the car. It was a check for exactly $2,500.

Like I said, the universe is infinitely inventive in coming up with ways to prosper us. Our challenge is to remain open and receptive to any and all channels of prosperity—even the most unlikely ones. And that means we must be open and receptive to following divine guidance even when we don’t understand where it is leading us.

It’s important, too, to keep in mind that a channel of prosperity is not the same thing as the source of our prosperity. The ultimate origin of our abundance is that Infinite and Eternal Field of Supply that lies behind every channel. When we start to think of any one channel as being our source, there is always an underlying fear that this source may one day go away. And that fear interferes with our ability to stay attuned to the divine flow, and do what we are being divinely directed to do in the moment.

Through our faith in an unending source of supply, may we overcome our fear, so we can more readily hear that still, small voice that is suggesting our next right step . . . a step that may be as simple as “order the clams,” or “park here.” And—with all due respect to certain hummingbirds—may our mindset continually be this one: “There is more than enough for everyone! So let’s all share!”


© 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

Friday, November 5, 2010

Whose Boat Are You Rowing?

November 7, 2010

Dear Friends,

When it comes to living life in the divine flow, it pays to remember that you rarely get anywhere in life completely on your own. Reaching your chosen destinations in life usually requires the assistance and cooperation of others. You need their help to get down the stream, and they need your help.

Do you ever get the feeling, though, that you are spending way too much time rowing someone else’s boat? Does it seem like you are always abandoning your own boat in order to help someone else navigate life’s waters? Like everything else in life, there is a balance that must be reached when it comes to offering help, as well as accepting help.

I remember a gentleman who told me about a day when he was really “in the flow.” He told me how every single step that needed to be taken, was taken for him by an “Earth Angel.” He said he really didn’t have to do anything to accomplish his goals for the day. His every desire was fulfilled effortlessly!

As I delved deeper into this man’s story, however, I discovered that his “angels” were simply friends and family members who were taking on responsibilities that were actually—as far as I could tell—his to take. He simply wasn’t rowing his own boat, so others stepped in and rowed it for him. They were taking up the slack caused by his lack of action.

Friends, there will be plenty of times in life when another person genuinely needs your help. In fact, you may be in his or her life specifically for that very reason. But if you feel burdened by a request for help—if you feel obligated or resentful—that “heavy” sensation may be an indication that your assistance would actually be doing this person a disservice. Sometimes, the best help you can give others is to simply show them how to help themselves, and leave it up to them to take that action . . . or not.

Remember that when you are being divinely guided to help another person, there will generally be a feeling of “rightness” about it—a feeling of peace and ease. Those are the kind of feelings you experience whenever helping another person is your next right step . . . your divinely directed step.

Whether you are being asked for help, or you need someone to help you, take some time to get quiet, go within, and contact your inner wisdom, so you can more accurately discern what is truly yours to do . . . or not do.

May each and every one of us row our boats responsibly—that is, may we take full responsibility for rowing our own boats, while also maintaining the ability to respond to another’s cry for help when it is truly needed.


© 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow