Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy "Now" Year!

January 1, 2019

 Happy Now Year!

Yes, you read that right.  I wrote Happy "Now" Year instead of Happy "New" Year.  It’s not a typo. It's just my way of reminding you about the important part that the present moment plays in the manifestation process.

As I frequently mention, fulfilling your heart’s desires effortlessly depends upon your ability to recognize and follow divine guidance. But that guidance only comes to you in “the now”—through what you are intuitively feeling now, through what others are telling you now, and through the signs and synchronicities that you are noticing now.
That doesn’t mean that there isn’t value in spending some time visualizing what you want to have, do, or be in the coming year. In fact, that’s important. Focusing on a destination is what sets the whole flow in motion in the first place.  But after that, you must return your attention to the present moment, so you can sense the next right step that the divine flow is directing you to take.

It’s sort of a back-and-forth thing: You visualize your goal, then return your awareness to the present moment.  You picture your dream, then come back to the here and now. If you are continually focused on the future—continually daydreaming about where you are headed—you may miss the very step that is leading you there. 

To live life in the divine flow, you must let go of your projections into the future—as well as your reflections on the past—so you can be present for the doors that are being divinely opened for you right here, and right now.

Do you have a particular desire that you would like to fulfill in 2019?  A goal that you would like to accomplish? A dream that you would like to realize?  You do?  Terrific! Then tell the Universe exactly what it is you would like to achieve this year, and pay keen attention to what starts to show up in your life.

But please remember this: Although having desires and pursuing desires is an inescapable part of your innately creative nature, you never have to fulfill a desire in order to be happy; you never have to accomplish a goal in order to be happy; and you never have to realize a dream in order to be happy. Remember that real happiness—true, long-lasting happiness—only comes from accepting and appreciating the current moment for whatever it is offering you . . . and from opening up your heart and being the love that you are in that moment. That, my friends, is the real key to having a happy new year—from the first day of the year to the very last. 


© 2019 by Steven Lane Taylor
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC