Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Step Already Taken?

April 26, 2009

Dear Friends,

At one of my workshops last weekend, a participant asked me if I had undergone formal training to be a public speaker. My reply was no. However, I told her that fairly early in life I was encouraged to be in some amateur theater productions, which helped me get over my painfully shy nature at the time. I also told her that I was frequently required in my advertising career to formally present my ideas to small groups of people. And later in life, I was asked to teach an adult class at my church—which I happily did week after week for 8 years.

The result of those experiences was this: Once I determined that my next right step in life was to share the principles in my book by speaking to organizations and congregations all across the country, that step was a virtually effortless one for me to take.

Does that mean that all of those prior experiences were divinely orchestrated to make it easier for me to do the work that I am currently doing? That is certainly possible. All I know for sure is the following: Sometimes you are already taking your next right step, and you don’t even realize it.

Once in a while there are activities that you engage in, either by choice or by necessity, that turn out to be very helpful steps in the unfolding of your good. Even the message you are reading right now is an example of that.

After publishing Row, Row, Row Your Boat, it was my intention to write a follow-up book. But I never felt like I had the time to sit down and do it.

One day, a friend of mine asked me to send her regular notices about my ever-changing speaking schedule. That same week, two more people requested the same thing. So, sensing that this was the divine flow, I began to honor those requests, and my weekly inspirational email was born.

I had been sending out these emails for about six months, when someone asked me if I was going to write a second book. As usual, I replied that I would like to write a second book, but I just didn't have the time. And then this person said to me, “Couldn’t your weekly messages be your second book?”

At that moment I realized two things. Not only could my messages be my second book, they would be my second book! And better yet, it was already partially written! I was already taking the step I needed to take to fulfill my desire, and I didn't even know it. And later this year, it looks like that goal of finishing book number two will finally be accomplished.

The “moral” to these stories? Simply this: If you are feeling divinely inspired to take a certain action, but it doesn’t “seem” to have anything to do with accomplishing a particular goal that you have in mind . . . do it anyway! You never know what it may lead to, what it may prepare you for, or how it may help you realize a dream.


© 2009 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

Friday, April 17, 2009

I Think, Therefore . . .

April 19, 2009

Dear Friends,

The other day I was driving down the road when I saw a bumper sticker on the car in front of me that read:


I love that bumper sticker, because it perfectly captures the essence of one of the most important principles for living life in the divine flow: You must let go of what you “think” you know.

One of the most common ways that we interfere with the flow is thinking that we know best, and overruling the divine guidance that we are continually receiving through various sources . . . such as our own intuitive sense. I’m certainly not suggesting that you forget everything you think you know. I’m just reminding you of the obvious truth that there is always more to know than you currently know. And when you keep an open mind to new and different information—even when it conflicts with your current understanding—your ability to be open and receptive to divine direction will be greatly enhanced.

Remember, too, that most of your thoughts are either reflections on the past or projections into the future. And since divine guidance always comes to you in the present, the very act of thinking can limit your ability to be in the flow. The phrase, “being lost in thought,” is very appropriate in this case, because whenever you are not consciously in the “now,” you are much more likely to miss the divine signposts that could have shown you the very best way to get where you are going.

Even the way you think can limit your experience of the flow. Especially when you are fearful, you may so quickly connect one thought to another, and to another, and to another, you may create a block that prevents divinely inspired ideas from entering your conscious mind. That is why I recommend a daily practice of meditation. Meditation helps open up “gaps” between your thoughts, so it is easier for divine insights and intuitive guidance to get through.

The phrase, “a train of thought,” comes to mind here, because that is exactly what a lot of our thinking resembles—a train . . . one car closely coupled to another, and to another, and to another. And often, that train of thought gains so much momentum as it moves along, it is extremely difficult to slow it down, change tracks, and move in a more beneficial direction.

In summary, I guess today’s message could be expressed as three different “bumper stickers.” So here you go:

If you want to live life in the divine flow . . .



And finally,



© 2009 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

Saturday, April 11, 2009

An Easter Message

April 12, 2008

Dear Friends,

As the saying goes, “You are not a human being having an occasional spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a temporary human experience.” And there is no better day in the year to affirm that for yourself than Easter Sunday.

For me, the Easter story is a dramatic demonstration and profound illustration of something that I believe is just as true for you now, as it was for Jesus over 2,000 years ago—that you are in this world, but you are not of this world.

Like I mentioned last week, your true essence is spirit, not body. And unlike the body, your spirit is eternal and indestructible. Your authentic self is, in a word, divine—an individual expression of that source energy we call God. And you are here for one purpose, and one purpose only: to express your divine nature in the body, and in the world.

And what, exactly, is that nature? Love. Unconditional love. Divine love.

It’s the kind of love that knows no limits . . . the kind of love that forgives—no matter what. It’s the kind of love that Jesus fully expressed throughout his life, right up to the final moments of his earthly existence. And it’s the kind of love that you, and I, and all of us are called upon to express on a daily basis.

Today, and every day of the year, may you remember who you are, and why you are here.

May you remember that the journey of life is not about getting somewhere. The journey of life is about being something. It’s about being the love that you are in every single moment of that journey. And it’s about experiencing the absolute joy that your love brings to the journey, and brings to each and every spirit that you encounter along the way.

Here’s to a joyful, fulfilling, and divinely-loving journey, my friends.


© 2009 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Signs of Life

April 5, 2009

Dear Friends,

Last week I wrote about the divine signs that show up in our lives, and how they help us. In particular, I focused on objects, animals, and insects that we have assigned special meaning to, because their repeated appearance has always been accompanied by something significant occurring.

Sometimes these divine signs show us the next right step we need to take to fulfill a dream or desire. Other times these divine signs simply alert us to something that we need to know. They may help us get in touch with some information that is helpful to us, or even healing.

This week I have an example to share with you:

About a year-and-a-half ago, one of my oldest and dearest friends was devastated when her daughter died suddenly and unexpectedly. This is the kind of tragic event that can shake almost anybody’s faith, and questions about God’s will, the meaning of life, and the continuation of life always arise.

My friend was no exception. This horrific circumstance brought up many of those same questions for her. Does life really continue after death. Really? Does the soul truly live on? Does consciousness survive? Or—in all forms—do we simply cease to exist?

Month after month these questions plagued my friend. At times she would be certain of life’s continuity, but at other times, doubtful. She desperately wanted to believe that even though her daughter was no longer embodied, her spirit was very much alive, and only the physical nature of their relationship had changed.

Then, one day, my friend noticed a possum lying very, very still in her backyard. She had lived in this house for decades, and had never seen a possum in her yard before.

As she approached the creature, it seemed to be near death. It was breathing, but very, very slowly. So she gingerly picked it up, and moved it into the alley behind her house.

After a long while, my friend went back to the alley to check on the animal. At this point, there were no signs of life whatsoever. No detectable breath. Nothing. My friend eventually concluded that the animal must have died. And, with great respect and reverence, she laid the stiff and lifeless body to rest.

A few weeks later, the exact same thing happened again. Another possum was lying motionless in her backyard. Amazed and confused, my friend once again moved the barely-breathing creature to the alley. But this time, she got on the Internet to do a little research on possums. And she found out what you probably already know: When possums feel threatened, they mimic all the appearances of being dead. Their lips curl back. They become very rigid. They even emit a “death smell.” And they can remain that way for hours.

After my friend got off the computer, she went back to the alley to check on the creature. This time, the possum was gone. It was neither dead nor dying. It had simply looked that way.

That’s when my friend realized that she had been given a gift—that she had received a divine sign to help heal her heavy heart. The possums were a reminder—and a confirmation—that even though our bodies may become lifeless, death is really just an “appearance.” Our true nature lives on.

My friend needed a sign to help her know—on a very deep level—that her daughter’s spirit is, indeed, eternal . . . that her daughter’s essence can never die or disappear. And just to make sure that my friend really got the message, a third possum recently showed up at her home. Only this possum was obviously alive and well—big and fat and helping itself to some cat food on my friend’s front porch.

I find the progression of this story remarkable. When my friend assumed that the first possum was dead—and treated it as such—a second one came and helped her look beyond appearances. And then a third possum showed up, so what was once troubling my friend in the “backyard” of her mind, was replaced by a vision of life in the “front porch” of her mind.

So, were these possums truly a “divine sign” for my friend? Or were they just a chance happening? You can draw your own conclusions. I’m pretty sure you know what I think.


P.S. Carol and I have a similar story involving dragonflies. If you have not heard this story before, I recently told it during a radio interview, and used it to illustrate a few misconceptions about the manifestation process. To listen to this interview, just click on the following link. This is a simple MP3 file that most computers can download and play easily:

© 2009 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow