Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Human Experience, Part 2

October 17, 2010

Dear Friends,

Last week I reminded you that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. I encouraged you to embrace the human experience by appreciating the beauty and the joy that come from being in the body and in the world.

That doesn’t mean, however, that you are in this physical plane of existence to ignore your spiritual essence—quite the opposite. It means that you are here to live life knowing that, at the core of your being, you are a divine spirit. And when you are in touch with that divine inner essence, your human experience is greatly enhanced.

That is why I recommend a daily practice of meditation. Meditation not only helps you contact the divine spirit within, it helps you stay in contact with that inner essence throughout the day, dramatically improving your experience of daily life.

Here are eight ways that the human experience is enhanced when you stay in touch with your spiritual nature:

1. You are healthier. Many health issues are either caused by, or aggravated by, stress. And for the most part, stress comes from fearful thoughts. When you are in touch with your all-knowing, indestructible spirit, fearful thoughts are greatly diminished, or completely removed.

2. You are more creative. True creativity comes from the divine creator within. When you are in touch with that divine creator, you automatically become more insightful and more inspired.

3. You are more intuitive. When you are in touch with your spirit, you can sense divine direction much more easily. And your next right step becomes much clearer.

4. You are more responsive. Instead of hastily judging and rashly reacting to something unexpected in life, you calmly respond from the wisdom within. You know what is best to do, when to do it, or if you should do anything at all.

5. You are more present. Your spirit is always in the now moment. When you are in touch with your spirit, you are less likely to be lost in thought—that is, reflecting on the past or projecting into the future. That means you are better able to notice the miracles that are happening all around you, right here, right now.

6. You are more patient. Being in the eternal now, your spirit never feels bound by time. And being all-knowing, your spirit sees countless ways for you to move successfully through life. When you are in touch with your spirit, possibilities seem unlimited, and time stands still. The result is infinite patience.

7. You are more peaceful. As an indestructible, eternal being, your spirit knows nothing of fear, and is always at peace. When you are in touch with that eternal, indestructible essence, you, too, will be at peace—no matter what is disturbing others.

8. You are more loving. Your spirit is love itself—divine love, unconditional love. When you are in touch with your spirit, you can’t help but be more compassionate, understanding, accepting, and forgiving.

Here’s to enjoying the human experience, my friends. It’s an experience that is healthier, happier, and more fulfilling whenever it is lived from the inside out—by going within, getting in touch with the divine spirit that resides there, and allowing that inner divinity to express itself.


P.S. If you would like to learn a simple meditation technique, click here.

© 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

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