Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy "Now" Year!

January 1, 2010

Happy Now Year, Friends!

Yes, you read that right. I wrote Happy "Now" Year instead of Happy "New" Year. It’s not a typo. It's just my way of reminding you about the important part that the present moment plays in the manifestation process.

Remember that fulfilling your heart’s desires effortlessly depends upon your ability to recognize and follow divine guidance. But that guidance only comes to you in “the now.”

That doesn't mean that you should refrain from visualizing and affirming what you want to have, do, or be in the coming year. It just means that it is not productive for you to keep your attention continually focused there. And focusing continually on your desires is not even necessary. I have had many manifestations occur in my life after thinking about a desire for only one short moment, and then never giving it another thought.

The challenge is not making sure that this intelligent universe we live in “hears” you. The universe has great “ears,” and it hears you the first time. The challenge is making sure that you are completely open and receptive to the response that you will invariably receive. And since that response always occurs in the present, you must keep your awareness primarily centered in the now moment so you are able to see, hear, or sense that response.

To live life in the divine flow, you must let go of your reflections on the past and your projections into the future, so you can recognize and go through the doors that are being divinely opened for you right here, and right now.

And above all, always remember that you never have to fulfill a desire to be happy; you never have to accomplish a goal to be happy; and you never have to realize a dream to be happy. Remember that real happiness—true, long-lasting happiness—only comes from accepting and appreciating the now moment for whatever it is offering you . . . and from opening up your heart and being the love that you are in that moment. That, my friends, is the real key to having a happy new year.

So, here’s to the Here and Now!

Here’s to the Year and Now!

Happy Now Year, my friends!


© 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row, Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

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