Saturday, December 26, 2009

Decisions and The Divine Flow

December 27, 2009

Dear Friends,

As I briefly mentioned in a message a few weeks ago, Carol and I recently moved into a new home here in Sedona. This house is in the same planned community as our former home, and the floor plan is the same one, too.

There are a few differences, though. One of my office walls is now a half-wall instead of a full wall—opening it up to the living room. The foyer is no longer a raised area. And there is an extra window in our bedroom.

Little did we realize how those differences would affect where we placed some of our furniture and where we hung our art. We assumed that everything would go right back where it was before. But it didn’t work out that way. Many times we would put a chest or a painting in the same place it was before, but it just wouldn’t “feel right.” So we would move it somewhere else, and see how that felt. Often, we had to move something several times until the cabinet or picture or piece of pottery finally found its new and perfect home.

And so it is with living life in the divine flow.

Ideally—by tuning into your intuition, and by paying attention to divine signs and synchronicities—you are able to sense in advance if a step you are about to take is the most beneficial one for you to take at that time . . . or not. But that’s ideally. Occasionally, there will be times when your divinely-guided next right step will still be somewhat unclear to you, and yet the moment has come when you have to make a decision.

In times like that, you simply have to make that decision, and then—like Carol and I experienced with decorating our new home—see how things feel after that step has been taken.

Of course, many of the decisions we have to make in life are a lot more serious than where to hang a painting, or where to put a table. So it is understandable that waiting to find out if a decision feels right after the fact is not especially desirable. But that situation does not have to be a source of undue stress for you if you keep in mind one of the fundamental principles for living life in the divine flow: Everything can be a stepping stone to your higher good.

Even if you make a decision based on the fears of your ego rather than the faith of your spirit, the universe can still guide you to a greater good from wherever you wind up. Your job is simply to remain open and receptive to divine direction by maintaining a positive outlook, and by avoiding shaming yourself or blaming others.

This process is not unlike what happens when you have a navigation device in your car, but you miss the exit it was directing you to take, or you turn the wrong way. It simply offers you a brand new route from wherever you now happen to be.

Remember, too, that there are always valuable lessons to be learned from whatever circumstance you find yourself in . . . which means that every decision you make—divinely inspired or not—gives you an opportunity to gain further clarity about yourself, and to grow in wisdom, compassion, understanding, and so on.

So, my friends, before you take any step, do your best to intuitively discern whether it really is your next right step or not. But more importantly, always remember that no matter what decision you make, the universe can always “make it right” in the end.


© 2009 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

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