Tuesday, November 12, 2013

When The Divine Flow Leads You In An Unexpected Direction

November 12, 2013

Dear Friends,

The divine flow is continually guiding you toward the effortless fulfillment of your heart’s desires.  And it is fairly easy to follow that flow when it leads you in a direction you expect.  But what if it points you in a direction that is totally unexpected?  What if your intuition or some other divine sign or synchronicity seems to be leading you away from your chosen destination—guiding you, even, in the opposite direction of your dream or desire?  What then?

No doubt about it, it can be a real challenge to follow the flow when you are being guided in a direction you don’t understand. However, it is much easier to trust the flow when you know some of reasons why it may point you in a direction that defies logic and reason.

I recently posted four of those reasons on my Facebook Page called Living Life in the Divine Flow.  Here are all four of those reasons:

So, my friends, is there something you want to have, do, or be in life?  Is there a dream you want to realize, a desire you want to fulfill, or a goal you want to accomplish?  Then put your faith in the divine flow, and trust it to guide you to your highest good . . . even if it leads you in a direction you never, ever, planned on or expected.


© 2013 by Steven Lane Taylor
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC

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