Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Surprisingly Powerful Affirmation

May 20, 2012

Dear Friends,

As I pointed out in last week’s message, you are—at the core of your being—a mother . . . someone who is divinely designed to bring something new and beautiful into this world through your innate creativity. To celebrate your “motherhood,” I offered you a Mother’s Day gift in the form of an Affirmation of Creativity. And like most affirmations, all the statements included in that affirmation were expressed in a very positive way, beginning with the declaration, “I am creative.” 

I bring this up, because a while back I decided that I needed an affirmation to help keep me in a positive state of mind regarding my financial abundance.  As I contemplated how to phrase my affirmation, I expected to begin it with a statement such as, “I am prosperous!” But surprisingly, that was not the thought that arose in my mind.  Instead, what occurred to me was this: “There is no reason why I can’t be wildly prosperous!”

I realize that since that statement contains the words “no” and “can’t,” it doesn’t appear to be very positive. Nevertheless, I have found it to be extremely reassuring. Every time I use that statement—for prosperity, or health, or whatever—I feel an immediate sense of relief, and I quickly regain a feeling of positive expectation.

Why? Mainly because that statement reminds me that “reasons” mean very little when it comes to living life in the divine flow. “Reasons” are limited and restrictive in their nature, and they are often based on information that is flawed and faulty, or incomplete at best. You will always find plenty of “reasons” why your heart’s desires cannot be fulfilled . . . including “reasons” like you are not worthy enough to have what you want, that you are not smart enough to do what you want, or that you are not talented enough to be what you want.

When you make the statement, “There is no reason why I can’t (fill in the blank),” you are denying the power that “reasons” have over you, and you are, instead, affirming the real truth of the matter . . . the truth that the divine flow operates at a level beyond reasons, and beyond reason itself.

The divine flow operates in the realm of the miraculous, orchestrating things on your behalf in a way that is often beyond comprehension or prediction.  And more importantly, the divine flow is completely unlimited in its nature, so anything and everything is possible!

Is there something that you want to experience in your life right now—something in particular that you want to have, do, or be?  Then attune yourself to the divine flow and follow the divine directions that you receive. In spite of how things may look to you, the Mind of The Divine sees no reason why you can’t reach your destination with effortless ease . . . no reason whatsoever!


© 2012 by Steven Lane Taylor
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC

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