Saturday, April 14, 2012

Divine Discontent

April, 15, 2012

Dear Friends,

Have you ever heard of something called “Divine Discontent?” Divine discontent is not the kind of discontent that arises from your ego. Your ego is always discontented—always urging you to look outside of yourself for something else or something more to “make you happy.” When you experience divine discontent, you are not looking for anything outside of yourself to make you happy. You know that true happiness always comes from within. And yet, you still have a strange and persistent feeling that something needs to shift in your life.

Sometimes, this feeling arises after you have successfully reached a chosen destination in life. And that’s not surprising, because on the level of your innately creative Spirit, true satisfaction in life arises from the process of manifesting. Once something has been manifested, your Spirit is hungry to create anew, and it inspires you to begin the process all over again. That’s why a painter doesn’t stop painting after completing a single work of art—even if it’s considered to be a masterpiece. He or she will continue to create one work of art after another.

Sometimes, too, this feeling of divine discontent is a signal from your Spirit that you are ready to move into an even more fulfilling phase of your work life. Even though you may be very accomplished at what you do, well suited to it, and handsomely paid for it, part of you may long to use your talents, skills, and abilities in an even more meaningful and worthwhile way.

Are you feeling discontented right now? Through prayer, meditation, and/or contemplation, see if you can discern the true source of that feeling. Are you actually just being critical and judgmental about your life? Or, are you truly grateful for what you have in life, but you still sense that there is something else you should be doing.

Perhaps it is time to seriously consider what brings you the most joy and satisfaction in life—regardless of the income you think it may or may not generate—and begin devoting more time and energy to that. Perhaps you are being encouraged by your Spirit to recognize your “calling,” and to finally step out in faith and follow that call. Perhaps it is time to heed that subtle stirring from deep within that says, “It’s time for a new chapter in your life to begin.”

Just something to ponder.



© 2012 by Steven Lane Taylor
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC

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