Saturday, March 17, 2012

On Manifesting Money

March 18, 2012

Dear Friends,

Most of the stories I hear about manifesting money have one thing in common. The storyteller usually ends up saying, “I received the exact amount of money I needed, right when I needed it!” However, that same person often goes on to ask these two questions: “But why couldn’t I have received more money than I needed? And why couldn’t I have received that money much sooner than I did?”

No matter how grateful we may be for manifesting a certain amount of money right at the time we need it, that is not what most of us really want. When it comes to a financial flow, what most of us really want is to have an excess of money show up in our lives in advance of really needing it.

So, if that’s what most of us want—and the divine flow is continually working on our behalf to help us manifest what we want—then why aren’t more of us manifesting huge financial windfalls more often? In your own life, why haven’t you won the lottery yet? Or why hasn’t that screenplay you wrote been purchased for a boatload of money? Here are four possibilities to consider:

1. Perhaps you are harboring a subconscious belief that you don’t deserve to have an abundance of money, and you are making decisions that are somehow sabotaging your ability to experience overwhelming financial prosperity.

2. Maybe you are unconsciously limiting yourself, because you are comfortable with the economic lifestyle you know, and you are afraid to venture into a lifestyle that may be completely different.

3. Perhaps the Universe knows that it would not be in your best interest to have a lot more money than you actually need right now. There are plenty of people who “come into money,” and then quickly lose it all due to outrageous overspending, risky ventures, or inadvertent financial mismanagement.

4. Maybe the flow of money in life is more subject to the laws of nature than we realize. Sure, squirrels hide nuts for the winter, and bears store up fat for their long hibernation. But overall, the creatures of this world only receive the sustenance they need as they need it. Why should we be any different?

I could delve much deeper into all of the preceding points, but that would be missing the point of this week’s message. Because the real question for you to ask yourself is not, “Why doesn’t the Universe shower me with an excess of money?” The more important question for you to ponder is, “Why do I want that?”

First of all, is money what you really want? Or is it what money can offer you, such as an experience of comfort, freedom, beauty, or adventure? Isn’t it the latter? Then that is what you should be focusing on—the experiences you want to have . . . not just the money. When you focus primarily on what it is you want to experience, any money that may be required to have that experience flows to you naturally as part of the manifestation process. And sometimes, the experience you desire is provided for you at no cost at all! It comes to you freely, as a gift from the Universe.

And what about your desire to have an excess of money? Why do you want that? Isn’t it so you can feel more secure, believing that you have a sure way to get whatever it is you want in life? Sure it is. And that’s completely understandable. The sense of security that comes from having an abundance of money is something that we all share. In truth, though, that sense of security is an illusion. There are countless people who have been financially “set for life,” only to have their fortunes completely depleted by something very unexpected happening.

Do you really want to hinge your sense of security on the amount of money you have in the bank? Or, do you want to hinge it on something greater than that? Don’t you want to base your sense of security on the True Origin of all Prosperity—that Infinite Source of Supply that we call God? Yes, that takes faith. But it is not a blind faith. It is a faith that grows out of experience. And friends, my experience has demonstrated to me—over and over and over again—that we do, indeed, live in a beneficent Universe . . . and we can count on that Universe to continually guide us to what we truly need in life.

The sense of security I feel by knowing that I live in that kind of Universe is much greater than the security I get from having a pocketful of money. But please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that it is a waste of time to imagine yourself winning the lottery, or to visualize yourself making big money from a small investment. I do it. I’m just reminding you that when it comes to living life in the divine flow, your main job is not to figure out how you are going to pay for the experiences you want to have in life. Your main job is to stay focused on what those experiences are, and allow the divine flow to work out the details for fulfilling those desires.

If your dreams are particularly grand and glorious—and I do hope they are—perhaps a huge influx of cash is exactly what is called for. And perhaps it will suddenly arrive via an unexpected inheritance. But it is also possible that the Universe will help you bring your dreams to life gradually, one step at a time. Your challenge is to recognize your part of the process, and do whatever the Universe is asking you to do to bring your good into being.

No matter what your dreams or desires may be, remember to keep your eye on the prize, and let the divine flow work out the finances . . . even if that simply means being given the opportunity to do the kind of work you love doing, and getting paid for it.



© 2012 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC

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