Saturday, July 16, 2011

Freedom and The Divine Flow, Part 3

July 17, 2011

Dear Friends,

Two weeks ago I wrote about the freedom you have as a Child of The Divine to choose what you want to have, do, or be in life . . . and the freedom you have to pursue those goals in any way that you see fit.

Last week I wrote about the freedom you experience when you let go of your attachment to a specific outcome, and when you realize that your happiness does not rely on achieving that particular outcome . . . or any outcome.

To conclude this three-part series on freedom and the divine flow, I want to remind you that you are still not truly free as long as you are subject to the tyrannical rule of ego—of that “little, limited self” that tells you that you don’t have enough, and that you need more; that “little, limited self” that tells you that you are not good enough, and that you need to be better; or that “little, limited self” that tells you that you are better than everyone else, and others are simply not good enough for you!

As long as you are subject to the rule of ego, your ability to experience a joyful and fulfilling life is restricted and constricted in almost every single way.

So—right here and right now—I invite you to declare your freedom from ego’s oppressive and dictatorial rule. It is the freedom that comes from recognizing that you have enough because you are enough. You are a glorious Child of The Divine . . . equal at birth and equal in worth to every other person on this planet . . . free of all limits . . . and deserving of all that the Universe so freely offers you!

Remember that every day is Independence Day, whenever you get in touch with that Divine Spirit that freely lives—and freely loves—at the core of your being.

Here’s to experiencing true independence—that sense of absolute and unconditional freedom that originates deep within yourself.


© 2011 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC

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