Saturday, June 25, 2011

Feeling Overwhelmed?

June 26, 2011

Dear Friends,

Fairly often, people will tell me how overwhelmed they feel by everything that they need to do—and want to do—in their lives. Their day-to-day responsibilities, combined with all the things they think they need to do to accomplish their goals and dreams, is just too much. Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by it all?

The way I look at it, there are three main reasons why you may, at times, feel overwhelmed . . . but unnecessarily so!

The first is laboring under the impression that it’s up to you—and you alone—to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. If that’s what you think, then yes indeed, completing your “To Do List” will not only feel like a daunting task, it will be a daunting task.

Never forget that you have celestial assistance in life! It’s the kind of assistance that comes mainly through divine guidance—through steps that are suggested to you by your own intuition, by divine signs and synchronicities, and by others who are divinely inspired to share their wisdom with you. When you remember to consciously look for—and be open to—divine direction, you will find that you can accomplish a multitude of tasks in an incredibly effective and efficient manner.

The second reason you may feel overwhelmed is because you are simply not in the now moment. You are looking way too far ahead and imagining—all at once—every step you will “probably” have to take to fulfill your desires. Do you know with absolute certainty that you will really have to take all of those steps? And even if you do, keep in mind that you generally get where you are going in life by taking one step at a time. And when you focus only on the step that is right in front of you—the step that is right here, right now—it is almost impossible to feel overwhelmed.

Which brings me to the final reason you may feel overwhelmed. You believe that you have identified your next right step, but you are feeling anxious about taking that step because it is a really big step. Hey, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of a step, then that step is probably not your next right step! Why? Because the divine flow never requires you to “bite off more than you can chew.”

One of the telltale signs of a next right step is that it is relatively easy to do. The divine flow does not ask you to take giant leaps. Instead, it offers you tiny little baby steps that—when taken one right after another—move you effortlessly down the stream in the direction of your dreams.

Think small! Maybe there is a step that you are completely overlooking because it seems so insignificant . . . like visiting a certain website to get a little more information about something. Or, perhaps there is a step that you are not noticing because it doesn’t even look like a step to you . . . like accepting that invitation to a friend’s party. Who knows what helpful person you might meet there?

If you want to stay in the flow, be sure to pay attention to—and take care of—all of those “little” things that seem to just “pop up” in life. Stay in the present moment and concentrate only on the task at hand. And continually seek—and be receptive to—divine direction in all of its various forms. Do those things, dear friends, and instead of feeling overwhelmed by it all . . . you will feel overjoyed by it all!



© 2011 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow
Steven Lane Taylor, LLC

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