Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's About The Journey

June 11, 2010

Dear Friends,

Last week I wrote about the freedom you have to choose your destinations in life, and the freedom you have to pursue those goals and dreams by choosing to follow divine guidance . . . or not.

Naturally, if you continually ignore divine guidance, you are probably going to encounter more challenges along the way than you ordinarily would under consistent divine direction. However—that said—not every single challenge in your life is the consequence of making an unguided or misguided choice.

As I mentioned two weeks ago, some challenges you encounter in life are merely bends in the stream, and they will quickly transform into blessings if you cooperate with what is happening. Other challenges—as I mentioned in my message on April 18th—give you a much-needed chance to heal an emotional wound, or eliminate a limiting thought, so you can move down the stream toward your dreams more freely. In hindsight, those kinds of challenges can easily be seen as the divine flow at work in your life.

But what about the really major challenges that occur in life? What about the kind of unwanted circumstances that seem to come out of the blue, and severely test your ability to maintain any kind of positive outlook on life? What possible blessing can there be in the sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one, or the diagnosis of a serious disease?

Even though most of my work is focused on the goals and dreams we have in life, and how best to reach them, in the end, life—as the saying goes—is not about the destination . . . it’s about the journey. And that journey is not about getting somewhere. It’s about being something.

Said more accurately, the journey of life is about the kind of person that you become during the journey. Or, more accurately still, it’s about remembering during the journey who you truly are—and always have been—at the core of your being . . . which is nothing less than an individual expression of Divine Love itself.

In my personal experience, nothing has given me the opportunity to get in touch with the Truth of my Being more than a major challenge has. Understandably, it is difficult to readily see an extremely unwelcome challenge as a “blessing.” However, when that challenge leads to a renewed appreciation for the sacredness of life, or when it helps you know first-hand what unconditional love and compassion truly feels like . . . well, you can’t help but feel blessed by the experience.

Remember that pursuing your goals and dreams in life is something that you will always be motivated to do, because it is in your nature as a divine creator to do so. But never lose sight of the fact that when all is said and done, the only thing that is truly important in life’s journey is how you have spiritually matured along the way—how you have grown in wisdom, deepened your faith, increased your gratitude, and expanded your ability to be the love that you are in every situation. And if you do successfully reach some or all of the destinations that you originally set out for in life . . . well, that’s even better!


© 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

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