Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Journey to the Center of the Earth

June 6, 2010

Dear Friends,

This week I have a question for you: What’s at the center of the Earth? If you give that question a little thought, you will realize that there is more than one answer.

From a strictly physical standpoint, the answer could be that there is a core of solid iron at the center of the Earth, which is surrounded by an outer core of iron that’s molten.

From a purely spiritual viewpoint, the answer could be “God”—especially if God is understood to be an all-pervading intelligent energy that exists within and throughout everything in the universe.

But neither of those answers is the one that I was looking for. I was actually talking about the word, “Earth,” and what is found at the center of that particular word.

Have you ever noticed that right smack dab in the middle of EARTH is ART? For me, that’s significant, because it helps remind me that our journey here on Earth is meant to be a creative experience.

Like I mentioned recently, we are innately creative beings. As individual expressions of what many call “The Great Creator,” we are, in fact, nothing less than Divine Creators in our own right. And Earth is the canvas upon which we express ourselves.

Earth is where we—as spiritual beings—have the opportunity to take ideas that originate in spirit, and go about the process of giving those ideas physical form. And when we go about that creative process thoughtfully—with the conscious intention to bring more beauty, harmony, love, joy, and understanding into the world—we are doing more than just manifesting something materially, we are producing works of art . . . sacred art, no less.

Whether we are writing books or building homes, painting landscapes or engineering bridges, composing songs or inventing businesses, carving sculptures or raising families, nothing satisfies our souls more than bringing something new and beautiful into the world that wasn’t there before.

To quote a short poem I wrote way back in 1977:
Art for art’s sake.
Art for the heart’s sake.
For God’s sake, art.
Here’s to the divine artist within you, me, and all of us.


© 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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