Friday, April 16, 2010

Purposely Choosing Challenges

April 18, 2010

Dear Friends,

There is a logical conclusion that most people reach based on my definition of the divine flow. Again, that definition is: “An underlying current that is continually guiding you toward the effortless fulfillment of your heart’s desires.”

From that statement you might conclude that if you are moving forward in life with a great deal of ease and grace, then you must be “in the flow.” If, on the other hand, you keep running into unwanted challenges, then you are obviously “not in the flow.”

Well, most of the time you would be right. Often, unwanted challenges are the natural consequence of making choices that are based on the fears of your ego, rather than attuning yourself to—and following—divine guidance. However, there will be plenty of times in life when a particular challenge you face is actually part of the divine flow for you.

Have you ever experienced a situation that you initially judged as “bad,” only to have that situation transform into something surprisingly beneficial? It pays to be open-minded about everything that occurs in life, and not judge circumstances too hastily.

Remember that any judgment you make is very subjective, highly biased, and rarely an accurate assessment of what’s really going on. A little patience, acceptance, and understanding on your part can help you experience an unwanted challenge as what it sometimes is—nothing more than an unexpected bend in the stream . . . a stream that is still helping you get where you want to go in the most beneficial way possible.

But here is the point I really want to stress this week: Sometimes, a particular challenge you face in life is part of the flow because it is the desire of your heart to experience that challenge. That’s right. Deep down inside, you actually want to experience that challenge, and the flow is simply providing that opportunity for you.

Keep in mind that your heart is your Spirit, and your Spirit is in this life to have certain experiences of life. Most of those experiences are pleasant ones, such as love, abundance, and creative expression. Those are the kind of experiences that you consciously know you want to have, and look forward to having.

However, there may also be some experiences that your Spirit knows you need that you are not consciously aware of. For instance, you may need healing from an emotional wound that has been buried for so long, you have almost forgotten that it is there. Or, you may need to be free from some kind of psychological conditioning that is causing you to limit your life in some manner.

Often, the best way to heal something from the past, or grow beyond it, is through a current challenge. So the divine flow will purposely lead you to the perfect situation for growth or healing, even though that situation may seem unwanted.

For example, suppose you entered into a relationship that eventually turned out to be emotionally (or even physically) abusive. Obviously, that kind of relationship is not something that you would consciously choose to experience. But the reason the two of you were brought together might be very simple.

It could well be that your current relationship is mirroring an abusive relationship that you experienced as a child. And the flow is simply giving you an opportunity to heal that wound—to finally stand up for yourself, reclaim your sense of inherent worth, and establish appropriate boundaries. As a child, you simply didn’t have the wisdom, the words, or the power to do that.

So, whenever you encounter an unexpected challenge in life, don’t jump to the conclusion that you are “not in the flow”—that you must be suffering the consequence of a misguided choice you made. It is entirely possible that you are merely misjudging the situation. Or—on a deeper, unconscious level—perhaps you are choosing to experience that particular challenge, and you are choosing it for a very good reason.

Just remember that no matter what is happening or why, everything can be a stepping-stone to your highest good. And what you are called upon to do is the same in every situation that “seems” undesirable: Stop blaming others or shaming yourself for creating that situation. Accept what is. And maintain a positive attitude, so you will be open and receptive to your next divinely guided step.

Who knows, that step may be one that leads you to a long-overdue emotional healing, the lifting of a self-imposed limitation, or maybe just an opportunity for you to learn a very valuable life lesson.


© 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

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