Saturday, October 24, 2009

Desire & The Divine Flow

October 25, 2009

Dear Friends,

There are those who believe that the key to happiness lies in eliminating your personal desires. I, for one, don’t believe that is the key to happiness. In fact, I don’t believe that is even possible. Why? Because having desires is an inherent and inescapable part of your divine nature.

As an individual expression of that creative energy commonly called God, it is in your very makeup to be a Creator, and to be constantly creating. And that’s all that your desires really are—intentions to create something in this world that didn’t exist before . . . especially experiences.

It’s interesting to note that if you look up the word “desire” in the dictionary, you will see that it came from a combination of the Latin words “de” and “sidus,” which translates literally as “from a star.” To me, that supports the idea that desire itself is not of earthly origin, but is a celestial attribute . . . one born from that higher place—that Higher Self—that shining star that is your Spirit.

That said, it is true that how you handle your desires can be a issue. For instance:

If you are overly attached to having your desire manifest in one particular way, that can be an issue.

If you believe that you can’t be happy until your desire is fulfilled, that can be an issue.

If accumulating possessions becomes an obsession, that can be an issue.

So yes, it is very important for you to carefully monitor what your ego is doing with your desires. But that doesn’t mean that you have to deny yourself the pleasure of having desires and pursuing their fulfillment. You just have to keep your desires in their proper perspective.

Remember that for everything you think you want in your mind, there is a deeper desire of the heart—of your Spirit—that underlies that idea, and initiated it. Remember that the Universe knows exactly what that deeper desire is in its purest form—unaltered by intellect or ego. And remember that it is to the fulfillment of that deeper desire that the divine flow is guiding you.

So, by all means, have your desires and pursue their fulfillment. But remember to let go of the specifics of your desire, and allow the divine flow to lead you to a destination that may be different from the one you originally intended. You will happily discover that what your Spirit desires for you is probably an even greater good—something that is grander than anything your mind ever imagined possible; something that is more deeply fulfilling; and something that is always in the best interests of all.


© 2009 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

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