Friday, September 11, 2009

The Divine Flow & The Illusion of Control

September 13, 2009

Dear Friends,

On the page of my website that is titled ABOUT THE AUTHOR, there is a sentence that says I am “a recovering control-freak.” Notice the word recovering. It doesn’t say recovered.

Yes, even though I am one of the world’s foremost masters at living life in the divine flow (a great big smile and a wink go here), when something happens that “threatens” me, I am occasionally challenged by the urge to make a decision, or take an action, for the sole purpose of making me feel secure again.

I am not talking here about divinely guided decisions or divinely directed actions. I am talking about choices that fool me into feeling like I am in the “driver’s seat” again—that I am in control of the situation, and thus, in control of my future. But am I ever really in control? Are any of us ever really in control of anything?

The answer is, of course, no. Control is merely an illusion. No matter how well we have organized our lives, and no matter much we think we have all of our “ducks in a row,” life can—and frequently does—surprise us.

Now, that doesn’t mean that you should never make any plans. You may be surprised to know that I am actually a very big planner. But—and this is what’s key—I am willing to alter or let go of my plans quickly, because I recognize that life can change things in the blink of an eye. Planning is not a problem in itself. Remaining rigidly attached to a plan is the problem.

To live life in the divine flow is to accept the uncertainty of life, and find your security in the knowledge that no matter what happens—or why—the divine flow continues to guide you to your highest good from right where you are, wherever you are.

Living life in the divine flow is not about taking a step in order to feel secure again. It is about taking a step that arises out of the security you already feel—the security that comes from knowing that you are always divinely protected because you are always being divinely directed.

Your job is to be patient enough, prayerful enough, introspective enough, and observant enough to discern that divine direction in the midst of changing, surprising, or unwanted circumstances.

Here’s to us all becoming Masters of The Flow . . . rather than Masters of Illusion.


P.S. For those of you who like to listen to spiritual material on your portable digital players, my Audio Book is now available as a digital download. For more information about that, visit the order page on my website at

© 2009 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

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