Dear Friends,
In one part of my workshop, I talk about the “divine signs” that guide us in life. I really enjoy this section because sometimes these divine signs are literal signs—actual words that have been printed or painted on a surface somewhere. And these literal signs are so succinct and so direct, they are often as amusing as they are amazing.
One of the ways I was guided to the publisher of my book was through a billboard that was posted on the sign of the highway. That was not only a literal sign, but it was a very large one! And after I published my book, I saw another sign that encouraged me to focus on sharing my message, instead of dwelling on selling books. It was a poster on the side of a bus that simply read, “SPREAD THE WORD.”
Of course, we also receive divine signs that are not literal. They are figurative—that is, they are objects, animals, or insects that we ourselves have assigned meaning to over time.
Usually, we have assigned meaning to these objects, animals, or insects, because something very beneficial has occurred when one of these things was present, or something significant happened immediately after its appearance. Then—at another time or in another place—the same unusual juxtaposition happened again. And then—later still—it happened one more time.
At that point, we know that when these things show up in our lives, we are being divinely guided to something important, or made aware of something significant, and we take heed.
Please notice, though, that I began the last paragraph with the words, “At that point.” Assigning meaning to what appears in your life should not be done too hastily. If it’s truly a divine sign, it will usually reappear over time. And generally, it will also have these other two characteristics:
1. The object, animal, or insect itself will be very unusual; or it will be something ordinary that is showing up at an extraordinary time or place; or it will be something that is highly personal to you, and to you alone. Please be careful in assigning meaning to common, everyday things that are likely to appear in your life on a frequent basis.
2. Every single time this sign appears, something helpful happens. Divine signs are consistently beneficial. If you are experiencing mixed results, the divine nature and origin of that sign is questionable.
Remember, too, that this intelligent universe we live in has more than one way of communicating with you. If you are really paying attention, you will notice that you are not only being shown a sign, but that sign will also be supported by other messages that are being delivered to you—through something that you see on television, hear on the radio, or are told by a trusted friend. The most reliable confirmation usually comes from what your own intuition is indicating to you.
So, my friends, here’s to seeing the divine signs, and here’s to following the divine signs. But first, here’s to taking the time to practice a little divine discernment.
© 2009 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow