Friday, June 12, 2009

Opportunity Is Knocking

June 14, 2009

Dear Friends,

I’m sure that most of you are very familiar with the age-old adage, “Opportunity Only Knocks Once.” I have heard that statement countless times throughout my life. And for much of my life, I never doubted it. But the more I learn about living life in the divine flow, the more I question the accuracy of that popular saying.

It is true that sometimes there are very unique opportunities that only exist for a short amount of time, and then those opportunities are gone forever. But, as I have mentioned many times before, the Universe (God/Divine Mind) isn’t limited by that. No matter what it is you think you specifically want, the Universe recognizes the underlying general experience you want to have—an experience of comfort, security, or freedom, for example—and the Universe sees a multitude of opportunities that you can give you that experience . . . not just one.

Remember, too, that many of the opportunities that come “knocking on your door,” aren’t the final destination you are trying to reach, but are merely stepping stones that move you closer to that chosen destination. And again, when it comes to getting where you want to go, the Universe sees a virtually unlimited number of ways to get there . . . not just one.

And finally, whether it’s simply a step in the right direction, or it’s that final step that will completely fulfill your heart’s desire, the Universe will tell you what that step is repeatedly . . . not just once. When, for example, the divine flow was leading me to my publisher, it told me exactly what step to take three different times, in three different ways, all within one week.

So, is it true that “Opportunity Only Knocks Once?” Sometimes, sure. But after that, opportunity will probably ring the doorbell, tap on the window, call you on the phone, text message you, mail you a letter, send you an email, and/or contact you through Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter!

Instead of getting too hung-up on the limited, singular idea that “Opportunity Only Knocks Once,” I invite you to embrace a more expansive idea. It’s the idea that “Opportunities Abound” . . . and they are always trying to get your attention—over and over and over again!


© 2009 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow

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