Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy "Now" Year!

December 30, 2007

Dear Friends,

Tuesday marks the start of 2008, and I want to wish each and every one of you a Happy Now Year!

Yes, you read that right. I wrote Happy "Now" Year instead of Happy "New" Year. It’s not a typo. It's just my way of reminding you about the important part that the present moment plays in the manifestation process.

Remember that the effortless fulfillment of your heart’s desires depends on your ability to recognize and follow divine guidance. But that guidance only comes to you in “the now.”

That doesn't mean that you should refrain from visualizing and affirming what you want to have, do, or be in the coming year. It just means that it is not productive for you to keep your attention continually focused there. And focusing continually on your desires is not even necessary. I have had many manifestations occur in my life after thinking about a desire for only one short moment, and then never giving it another thought.

The challenge is not making sure that this intelligent universe we live in “hears” you. The universe has great “ears,” and it hears you the first time. The challenge is making sure that you are completely open and receptive to the response that you will invariably receive. And since that response always occurs in the present, you must keep your awareness fully centered in the now moment so you are able to see, hear, or sense that response.

To live life in the divine flow, you must let go of your reflections on the past and your projections into the future, so you can recognize and go through the doors that are being divinely opened for you right here, right now.

Here’s to the Here and Now!

Here’s to the Year and Now!

Happy Now Year, my friends!


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Friday, December 21, 2007

Making Christmas Merry

December 23, 2007

Dear Friends,

Tuesday is the day that many of us will celebrate the birth into this world of the being we call Jesus. There are many different opinions about the exact nature of this extraordinary man’s mission on this planet. But I do believe there is one aspect to his life that most of us can agree upon: Jesus was the perfect example of living a life of unconditional love. And he made it quite clear that we would all benefit greatly by living our lives in the same loving way.

Fortunately, loving others is one of the most natural things in the world for you to do. For I believe that love is not only in your nature, it is your nature. Love is the divine essence of who you truly are at the core of your being. And you know what? It feels good to express the truth of who you are! It feels good to love!

When you love, you feel happy. When you love, you feel joyful. When you love, you feel downright . . . well . . . merry!

So, do you want to have a truly merry Christmas this year—and every year? Then be true to yourself! Be the love that you are this season, and a merry Christmas will be yours, indeed.

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Defining God

December 16, 2007

Dear Friends,

A while back I was selling my book at a book fair. A woman came up to my table and asked me if I used the word “God” in my book. I replied, “Yes . . . quite often, in fact.” Then she said, “Then I don’t want to read your book.” And she walked away.

I was shocked by what she said, but not totally surprised. Like many people, it is highly likely that this woman has a rather dim view of “God.” To her, the very word itself probably represents a judgmental being who is continually monitoring our thoughts and actions, and punishing us for our failings. And she has rejected that idea.

But not everyone sees “God” in that way . . . myself included. My personal definition for God is this: The intelligent, creative energy that is love. To me, God is not an actual “being” per se, but an all-pervading energy . . . an energy that is aware of our needs and wants, and is responsive to those needs and wants in incredibly creative ways. And, as love itself, this universal energy is completely unconditional in its compassionate, loving regard for us.

The way I see it, this unconditionally loving and infinitely creative energy always has our best interests in mind. And it is always guiding us to our highest good. Our job is just to recognize and cooperate with that divine guidance. And when we do, life ceases to be a struggle, and, instead, begins to flow with effortless ease.

Because I have almost always pictured “God” in this light, I have no problem with using that particular word. But if you are more comfortable with another term, such as “Source Energy,” “The Universe,” or “Divine Mind,” that’s perfectly fine.

It really doesn’t make any difference what you call this higher power. And it really doesn’t make any difference whether you see this higher power as a very real supreme being, or as some kind of conscious, cosmic energy. As long as you practice the principles required for living life in the divine flow—principles such as paying attention, thinking positively, letting go, and loving—the effect is the same. It feels like there is an intelligence operating in this world that is far greater than your own . . . and you are directly benefiting from its help.

I, for one, am grateful for this “celestial assistance.” And I imagine that you are, too.

Thank you, Universe.

Thank you, Divine Mind.

Thank you . . . God.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Oneness vs. Separation

December 9, 2007

Dear Friends,

Although there are rarely definitive answers as to why certain tragedies occur in this world—such as the shooting rampage that just took place in a department store in Omaha, Nebraska—I believe that the underlying cause for many of these events is ultimately the same thing: a feeling of separation instead of oneness.

“Oneness" refers to our intimately joined relationship with each other . . . a relationship that arises from the fact that we are all individual expressions of "The One Spirit”—that creative, loving, all-pervading Spirit we call God.

There are times when we sense that holy connection more than others, such as when we pray, meditate, spend time in nature, or hold a tiny baby in our arms. And the natural result of that sense of connection is a wonderful feeling of well-being.

But all too often we feel disconnected, instead. We forget that we are one with God, and one with all of God's children. We feel separate from others, and separate from everything around us. And that sense of separation—of being all alone and on our own in this world—can generate a fair amount of fear.

Sometimes that fear—and the anger that often issues from that fear—can be so magnified by mental illness or negative mental conditioning, we witness the kind of destructive behavior that exploded in Omaha on December 5th.

Although everything that happens in life is an opportunity for us to discover where our blocks to loving are, it may be quite a while before many of us are willing to feel compassion for the lonely soul that orchestrated that horrific event.

For now, let us remember that when we judge others—when we attack them, belittle them, and criticize them—we are not only mentally and emotionally separating ourselves from them, we are also mentally and emotionally divorcing ourselves from The One Spirit . . . from the All-That-Is that is God.

May we remember who we truly are at the core of our being: individual expressions of God, as inseparable from our Source as waves are from the ocean. And may we maintain that conscious connection—and the sense of well-being that comes from that connection—by seeing all of our brothers and sisters as equally beloved members of God's family.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Flow At Christmas

December 2, 2007

Dear Friends,

For most of you, this is the busiest time of the year. As usual, you still have to go to work, handle family responsibilities, clean the house, feed the pets, work in the yard, pay the bills, and take care of a multitude of other tasks and chores that are a routine part of daily life.

But on top of all that, you may also have to decorate the house, trim the tree, host parties, prepare special meals, entertain company, visit relatives, and send out cards . . . not to mention buy gifts, wrap gifts, pack gifts, and ship gifts.

The list goes on and on. And yes, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by it all, and to lose the very sense of joy this season is supposed to elicit.

But take heart, because the divine flow is ready to come to your rescue! There is no task too small for the divine flow to focus its attention on. And there is no schedule too complex for the divine flow to manage.

At every given moment the divine intelligence of the universe is simultaneously orchestrating the most effective and efficient accomplishment of every single thing you need to do this season.

I remember a time that I thought I would have to make three separate trips over a two week period to fulfill the most important items on my “To-Do List.” But instead, by simply paying attention to the subtle guidance of my intuition one day, all three tasks were taken care of in one single hour, with not one bit of preparation or planning on my part. Everything just fell into place, and I just kept showing up in exactly the right place at exactly the right time to achieve what I wanted to achieve.

The way everything worked out for me in such an incredibly coordinated fashion was simply astounding. And your experience this holiday season can be a similar one. If you take the time to listen to your intuition—to literally feel what your next right step is, and to continue listening and continue taking those divinely guided steps—you may be amazed at how all of your holiday commitments can be accomplished in a virtually effortless and seamless manner.

Here’s to an exceptionally joyful and fulfilling holiday season. May everything flow beautifully for you and yours!


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Saturday, November 24, 2007

When The Flow Seems Slow

November 25, 2007

Dear Friends,

Most of the time, I can sense the divine flow in my life quite easily. I notice a steady stream of signs and synchronicities—as well as intuitive nudges—that are all pointing me in one particular direction. And when I head in that direction, I feel like I am in a quickly moving current that is helping me get where I want to go with effortless ease.

Often, I experience unexpected twists and turns along the way. But those surprising detours will quickly transform into stepping stones to a higher good, so I can easily see the divine flow at work in those circumstances, as well.

Whether the flow takes a direct route, or a more circuitous one, some kind of divine movement in my life is usually fairly obvious. And I can generally discern what I am being divinely directed to do to cooperate with that movement.

But not always.

Occasionally, I experience periods in my life where it feels like the flow is hardly moving at all, leaving me in still waters for days on end with no clear guidance or direction. I do not see any signs, or experience any meaningful coincidences. Doors are not opening. And I simply don’t know what my next right step is.

Those are the occasions that test my patience the most. Like most people, I always feel like there is something I should be doing to bring me one step closer to my chosen destinations in life. And doing nothing feels uncomfortable. But one of the first lessons I ever learned about living life in the divine flow is this one: Doing nothing is doing something . . . and quite often that is exactly what is called for.

Sometimes, your job is just to wait patiently while the divine flow works its magic. Yes, you may be waiting quite a while. But it won’t be forever. Eventually, clear guidance will come. Your next divinely directed step will appear. And helpful doors will open. And when that happens, there is a good chance that you will be able to see the perfect timing in it all.

If you feel like you are truly open and receptive to divine direction, and yet the flow in your life seems to have slowed down dramatically, I suggest that you simply enjoy the break. Take care of all the little details in life that are calling for your attention. Enjoy the time that you have been given to partake of life’s many simple pleasures. And take advantage of this rare opportunity to just “be.”

Don’t worry about speeding up the flow. The current will pick up soon enough.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Giving Thanks For Everything

November 18, 2007

Dear Friends,

Two weeks ago I wrote about gratitude, and how important it is to be grateful for all of the things in your life that you normally take for granted, such as food, family, and friends. Those are a few of the things that you do appreciate, but typically forget to be consciously thankful for.

Well, here’s a challenge for you: Can you also be thankful for the things in your life that you do not appreciate? Can you be thankful for the people in your life that you hold resentments against? Can you be thankful for the circumstances in your life that have brought you discomfort . . . or even pain?

Yes, you can . . . if you see those challenges as opportunities to discover what your blocks to loving are. Yes, you can . . . if you see those challenges as opportunities to heal wounds you may have forgotten you have. Yes, you can . . . if you see those challenges as opportunities to remember how precious life is, and to renew your appreciation for it.

When you look at the challenges in your life as opportunities to mature emotionally and spiritually, everything that occurs in your life can be viewed as a blessing. And blessings are something you are thankful for, right?

So this coming Thanksgiving—and throughout the year—be thankful not only for the “good” in your life, but also for what you judge to be “not so good.”

Be thankful for the entire experience of life, including the opportunities it gives you to grow in wisdom and compassion.

Be thankful for the entire experience of life, including the opportunities it gives you to grow in your ability to love others—and to love yourself—unconditionally.

Be thankful for the entire experience of life, including the opportunities it gives you to remember that life itself is a sacred gift . . . a gift that is meant to be enjoyed to its fullest, and never taken for granted.

Giving thanks today and every day,


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Relying On Wisdom

November 11, 2007

Dear Friends,

As a writer, I always appreciate clever wordplays and creative phrases. I also enjoy the way real words can be made into acronyms, such as:

EGO = Edging God Out
FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

I recently received an email from Christy in Peoria, Illinois, who came up with an appropriate acronym for a word that I frequently use in my book. That word is “row.” And Christy’s acronym is:

ROW = Relying On Wisdom

If you are familiar with my work at all, you know that I consider “rowing” a very important aspect of living life in the divine flow. Rowing represents the action step in the manifestation process . . . but not just any action. As I use the term, rowing refers to taking divinely inspired action—the only kind of action that will lead you to your chosen destination with effortless ease.

When you “row” you are basing your action on divine counsel, or—as Christy put it—relying on wisdom. That means, however, that you must be willing to take some time to get in touch with that wisdom, and distinguish it from any fear-based, ego-driven thoughts. You must take some time to get quiet, go within, and access the intuitive guidance of your spirit. And you must take some time to thoughtfully consider the insightful guidance that flows forth from the spirit of others.

To rely on wisdom—to ROW—requires you to pause after each and every “stroke of your oars” to attune yourself to the flow, and make sure that you are still going in the same direction that the divine current is flowing.

Said another way, you must pause after each and every step you take to make sure that your next step is another divinely directed step . . . the kind of step that gives you a feeling of peace and ease, instead of making you feel tense and anxious . . . the kind of step that is usually confirmed by the sudden appearance of related signs and synchronicities.

Do you have a desire that you would like to fulfill effortlessly? Do you have goal that you would like to accomplish with divine ease and grace? Then remember to ROW (Rely on Wisdom) instead of acting out of FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) or making choices based on EGO (Edging God Out).

In short, remember to put your trust in GOD (the Guidance Of the Divine)!

STEVEN (Streaming Toward Everything Very Easily Now)

Okay . . . maybe that’s a bit of a stretch.

© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Gratitude And The Divine Flow

November 4, 2007

Dear Friends,

Exactly one year ago today (November 2nd as I write this), Carol and I arrived at our new home in Sedona, Arizona. Sedona, as most of you know, is one of the prettiest places on the planet . . . considered by many to be their personal paradise.

Shortly after moving here, one of our dearest friends wrote to us and asked, “Do you pinch yourselves every day to make sure that you are not just dreaming that you live in Sedona?”

Well, the answer is “yes.” We do have to pinch ourselves every day. But it’s not to assure ourselves that we are not dreaming. It’s the opposite of that. We have to pinch ourselves every day to remind ourselves to be grateful for where we are living, and not take it for granted.

I am constantly amazed by how easy it is to take almost anything for granted—even this heavenly haven called Sedona. It takes very little for me to become distracted by the day-to-day details of living and working, and completely forget to appreciate the beauty that is all around me: the magnificent red rock formations, the brilliant orange sunsets, and the profusion of wildlife right in our own backyard.

I bring this up, because one of the keys to living life in the divine flow is to have an attitude of gratitude. And why is gratitude so important? Because when you are grateful, you feel good. And when you feel good, you are more open and receptive to divine guidance, and able to experience the flow’s miracles more freely and more frequently.

The challenge is maintaining that attitude of gratitude for all of those things that you usually take for granted, such as your health, your home, and your helpful relationships. To live life in the divine flow it is important to be continually grateful for all of the blessings you have in your life—not just the extraordinary ones, such as receiving unexpected income, or miraculously avoiding an accident.

Take a moment right now to look around you. What are you taking for granted? And what, instead, should you be consciously grateful for? Pinch yourself, and begin to consciously count your blessings. You may be surprised by how quickly the divine flow gives you even more to be grateful for!


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Friday, October 26, 2007

Dealing With Loss

October 28, 2007

Dear Friends,

On television this week, I saw interviews with several families who lost their homes in the fires that raced across southern California. It was nice to see that all of these people recognized that, in the largest sense, life is not about things. It is about love. And even though their houses—and all of the things in them—were gone, each of these families felt extremely grateful and blessed to have each other.

The loss of one’s home, however, is still a very real—and very devastating—loss. And I think it is important to acknowledge that fact.

A home, as you well know, is much more than mortar and bricks, stucco and tile. It is much more than a structure, a shelter, or even—in some cases—a work of art. A home is a box of memories, containing cherished mementos, souvenirs, keepsakes, heirlooms, and photographs. All of those treasured things are physical symbols of the people and the experiences in our lives that we hold near and dear to our hearts.

Although the memories themselves remain intact, it is still understandably tragic when the “memory collage” that one has spent a lifetime constructing, has been destroyed by wind, water, fire, or a shift in the earth itself.

I often mention that one of the keys to living life in the divine flow (and fulfilling your heart’s desires effortlessly) is maintaining a positive attitude. But that positive attitude must be genuine. And that means that feelings such as grief, sadness, and sorrow must first be allowed to run their natural course.

As I recently wrote, living life in the divine flow is not about stuffing your feelings to maintain an "appearance" of positivity. There is such a thing as legitimate suffering in life. It is not the kind of suffering that you bring upon yourself through needless worry or thoughtless actions. It is the kind of suffering that occurs most often with the sudden and unexpected loss of something, or someone, that you deeply love.

If you are dealing with a loss in your life right now, it is okay to go ahead and let yourself feel your feelings about it. In fact, it is necessary. Give yourself permission to experience all of your feelings freely and fully. Allow them to come, and go . . . and come again . . . and go again. It is the only way that they will eventually dissipate.

If, instead, you attempt to suppress those feelings, they will continue to exist at a subconscious level. And, in the end, that will just delay your ability to heal and feel joy again. And by "joy" I mean that underlying sense of appreciation for the total experience of life . . . a joy that embraces all of life’s twists and turns . . . a joy that may be best described as "bittersweet."

To each of you who have recently lost a loved one, a beloved pet, or anything else that occupies an important place in your heart, please know that kindred spirits the world over are supporting you in the restoration of your sense of wholeness, and the recovery of your sense of peace.

Blessings to you all.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Value of Meditation, Part 3

October 21, 2007

Dear Friends,

I guess I’m on a roll. Last month I wrote two different messages about the value of meditation, and how a daily practice of meditation can greatly enhance your ability to live life in the divine flow.

In a nutshell, I wrote that meditation helps create gaps between your thoughts, so you are more readily open to divine insights, inspiration, and intuitive guidance. I also described the way that meditation helps you stay more connected to your spirit throughout the day, so you can respond to challenging people and situations in a wiser way.

Well, for the last two weeks I have been writing about the importance of maintaining present moment awareness. And guess what can help you with that? You got it! Meditation.

If you are not that familiar with meditation, you might assume that it’s all about mentally escaping the now moment. And yes, there are plenty of guided meditations that do, indeed, take you somewhere else in time and space. But strictly speaking, most guided meditations are really visualizations, which serve a different purpose.

The form of meditation that I practice is specifically designed to center all of your attention in the here and now, by focusing first on your breathing (because your body is always in the present), and then focusing on a mantra (a special phrase you repeat to yourself) to help displace your usual thoughts—the kind of thoughts that propel you elsewhere.

It’s true, that after your meditation is over, it may be a challenge for you to stay in the present moment, and not drift off into reflections on the past or projections into the future. But your tendency to do that will be greatly reduced . . . especially after several weeks of consistent practice.

And the benefit of being more centered in the here and now? You will be much more aware of all the divine signs and celestial synchronicities that are guiding you to your highest good.

As I have said many times before, the presence of the flow is sensed in the present. The present is where you have to be in order to see the signs. The present is where you have to be in order to notice the synchronicities.

In short, to receive the gifts of the flow you must be here, now. And being here—now—is what meditation, as I practice it, is mainly all about.

I hope this adds to your understanding of meditation, and the important part it plays in living life in the divine flow.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Watch Your Step!

October 14, 2007

Dear Friends,

A few days ago I hiked to the top of one of Sedona’s lesser-known red rock formations called Mescal Mountain. On my way up I was painfully reminded of one of the principles for living life in the divine flow: Always keep your focus on your current step.

You see, this particular trail is not only loaded with lots of loose rocks, but it also has lots of cacti growing all along the way. If you don’t watch where you are stepping, you might slip on the rocks and fall. Or, you might walk right into a prickly cactus . . . which is exactly what I did. Ouch! Instead of paying attention to where I was walking, I was looking too far ahead, and I suffered the consequence.

The same thing can happen as we pursue our desires in life.

As I mentioned at the end of last week’s message, living life in the divine flow requires present moment awareness. The divine flow is always giving you the next right step to take to reach your goal. And that step is always right in front of you, relatively easy to do, and free of painful obstacles. But to see that step, you must stay focused in the here and now, instead of being focused somewhere in the future.

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t value in looking ahead and seeing where you want to go. In fact, that’s a requirement. Choosing a destination is what sets the whole flow in motion in the first place. But after that, you must return your attention to the present moment so you can see the next step that the flow is guiding you to take.

It’s sort of a back-and-forth thing: You visualize your goal, then return your awareness to the present. You picture your dream, then come back to the current moment. If you are continually daydreaming about where you are headed, you may miss the very step that is leading you there. Or worse, you may make a misstep and find yourself sitting by the side of the trail pulling barbed bristles out of your skin!

Do you have a goal that you would like to accomplish, or a dream that you would like to realize? Great! Just remember that getting there is a step-by-step process, and your journey will be a lot more peaceful and pleasant if you stay focused on each step as it comes along.

Happy Trails!


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Imaginary Troubles

October 7, 2007

Dear Friends,

On September 26th I spoke at a Unity church in the charming old town of Quincy, Illinois. Quincy is only twenty miles from Hannibal, Missouri, the boyhood home of Mark Twain. When I discovered that, I was reminded of my favorite Mark Twain quote:

“I have known a great many troubles in my life . . . but most of them never happened.”

Have you ever spent hours fretting and worrying about some kind of problem that—at that particular point in time—had yet to occur . . . and you had no totally reliable way of knowing that it actually would occur? I certainly have. And sometimes, I still do. I foresee some potential “trouble” looming ahead of me, and then I start imagining in great detail what it will be like to live through that challenge.

What a misuse of the imagination that is! And just think of the unnecessary stress that puts on the body . . . because the body doesn’t always know the difference between an imagined experience and a real one! When you are having an experience in your mind, then you might as well be truly living it!

Perhaps, if you could predict an event with 100% accuracy, then there might be some kind of benefit in letting it play out in your head. But most of the time—if not all of the time—you simply cannot forecast what is going to happen in your life.

Life is always full of surprises. So it doesn’t make much sense to continually imagine the worst. And when you do, you are not only needlessly torturing yourself, but you are also blocking your ability to be in the flow. How so?

Well, for one, projecting yourself into the future takes your attention off the present. And guess what? The present is where the flow is—not the future. Now is when the flow opens doors for you. And now is when the flow creates opportunities for you. If you want to live your life in the divine flow, you must be aware, awake, and alive in the present moment. Only in the current moment can you feel that underlying current of God’s goodness, and take advantage of it.

Also, as I often mention, to be in the flow you must be open and receptive to divine direction. And that requires a positive frame of mind. Any kind of negativity—including the kind of waking nightmares I am describing here—will greatly interfere with your ability to see the divine signs and sense the intuitive nudges that are guiding you to your good.

Isn’t life challenging enough without making stuff up? Instead of jumping ahead and experiencing “troubles” that have yet to happen, and may never happen, why not focus on what actually is happening. It’s the only thing that is ever happening—the here and now moment. You may be amazed by the incredible peace and power you find there.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Friday, September 28, 2007

Underlying Desires and The Flow

September 30, 2007

Dear Friends,

Last week I wrote about the people you “attract” into your life, and how those people are often there to help you accomplish a goal or realize a dream. These divinely orchestrated relationships—no matter how brief—are always beneficial to both parties. And usually, the mutual benefits are obvious. But not always.

Sometimes, the universe brings two people together for a purpose that is far more significant than either person recognizes or realizes. I recently met a man in Quincy, Illinois who shared his story with me, and it is a perfect example of what I am talking about.

This man, Mac, is fascinated with antique farm equipment, and he has an entire barn—a museum really—filled with inventions that have made farming more efficient and less physically demanding.

One day, Mac attended a gathering of like-minded individuals in a town in far eastern Iowa. For some reason, Mac felt compelled to introduce himself to one man in particular. This man’s name was Skip, and Mac learned that Skip lived clear across the state in Omaha, Nebraska—the same town that Mac’s daughter, Connie, lived in.

After a few minutes, Mac asked Skip if he knew anyone who had an antique grain conveyor for sale. As it happened, Skip told Mac that his family had that very piece of equipment sitting on a farm in northwestern Iowa, and they would be happy to sell it.

Delighted by this discovery, Mac offered to purchase the conveyor. The two men arranged to meet in Omaha a few weeks later, and drive up to the farm together to pick it up . . . which is just what they did.

After putting the conveyor on a trailer, Mac and Skip began the long, slow drive back to Omaha. During the course of their conversations, Mac revealed that ten years earlier his granddaughter—Connie's child—had lost her life in a car accident when she was just a teenager. Skip asked where the accident had happened, and when Mac told him, Skip grew very quiet.

Mac went on to explain that another teenager—a boy—was driving Mac’s granddaughter home that night, and they were hit by a car that ran a red light. The boy survived, but Mac’s granddaughter didn’t. When Skip heard this, he became quieter still.

After several miles of silence, Skip finally asked Mac what his granddaughter’s name was. When Mac told him, Skip paused, then quietly replied: “The boy who was driving your granddaughter home that night was my son.”

Naturally, Mac was stunned by this amazing coincidence, and he wondered what the significance of this divinely directed encounter was. The answer came quickly enough. Although Mac, Connie, and the rest of their family had made peace with this tragedy long ago, Mac began to get the definite feeling that it still troubled Skip—that there was some kind of unfinished business that he had never attended to. And when Mac found out that Skip had never met Connie, Mac felt guided to ask Skip if he wanted to visit her when they got back to Omaha. Skip said yes.

What transpired between Connie and Skip—the mother of one child, and the father of the other—is between them. Mac only knows that hugs were exchanged, tears were shed, and some kind of needed closure was reached.

What I find particularly beautiful about Mac’s story is this: There are plenty of things in life that we consciously know we want—like a new car, a bigger house, or a better job. But there are also plenty of things we deeply need, which we may not be fully aware of—like complete recovery from an old emotional wound. How comforting it is to know that the divine flow can bring us together in ways that not only give us what we wish for on a surface level, but can also—at the very same time—take care of a desire that lies beneath . . . a desire to be healed, or a desire to be returned to a state of peace.

What a blessing that is . . . is it not?


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Networking and The Divine Flow

September 23, 2007

Dear Friends,

In 2001, when I was laid off from my 30-year career in advertising, one of my friends in the business said to me, "You'd better start networking!" I cringed when I heard that. Why? Well, for a couple of reasons:

First, I wasn't sure I wanted to stay in the advertising business any longer. And second, the whole idea of "networking" had always made me feel very uncomfortable. At the time, networking felt to me like something that only high-pressure salesmen did . . . you know, passing out their business cards right and left—often inappropriately.

However, as I began my new career as a spiritual author, speaker, and teacher, it didn't take me very long to realize that networking—if seen in the proper perspective—is actually an important part of living life in the divine flow.

Rarely, if ever, do you get anywhere in life completely on your own. Usually, you need the help of at least one other person to get where you want to go. In fact, quite often, the assistance of several people, or more, is required for you to reach your chosen destination.

When you tell the universe what it is you want to have, do, or be in life, you attract these people to you. The universe literally sends them your way to assist you in fulfilling your desire. These are people who have the leads, contacts, information, and inside scoop that you don't have. And, as part of your divine flow, they have been divinely inspired to share what they know with you . . . or, to direct you to others who might be of assistance to you . . . or, to take direct action themselves on your behalf.

When you recognize these people for who they are, or who they might be, and—with an open heart and an open mind—you engage them in conversation . . . isn't that networking?

Of course, like most anything, networking can be misused—especially when the relationship is one-side and you are just trying to "get something" from the other person. But when you enter into any relationship—even the briefest of encounters—seeking ways that the two of you can be of mutually beneficial service to each other . . . that's networking as it is divinely designed to be done.

Many of my speaking engagements have come about by just that kind of networking. The lovely house that Carol and I are now living in was the result of networking. And when my book is picked up and re-published by a major publishing house, I have no doubt that it will be because of networking. In fact, "out of the blue," several people have recently shown up in my life who are helping me manifest that very thing right now—without me even asking.

So, my friends, do you have a dream that you want to realize? Do you have a goal that you want to accomplish? Then, as my advertising friend said to me six years ago, "You'd better start networking!"

Or, as I am inclined to say: Pay attention to the people who come into your life, and treat them with the honor, respect, and gratitude they deserve as your brothers and sisters in spirit. Who knows . . . they may be divinely guided "angels" who have crossed your path for the sole purpose of helping you fulfill your heart's desires effortlessly.

With great appreciation for all the people who have been part of the divine flow in my life,


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Value of Meditation, Part 2

September 16, 2007

Dear Friends,

Last week I wrote about meditation, and how it helps you live life in the divine flow by opening up tiny gaps between your thoughts. It is through those gaps—as small as they may be—that you are able to sense divine direction, and recognize your next right step.

But that’s not the only value of meditation. There is another benefit that I would like to share with you, as well: A daily practice of meditation helps you respond to situations rather than react to them.

Do you know the difference between responding and reacting?

Reactions are automatic and robotic. They are instantaneous thoughts and actions that are triggered by personal programming and conditioning. These thoughts and actions are not divinely derived, but are, for the most part, ego-based and fear-driven. And they are usually accompanied by feelings of tension and anxiety.

A response, on the other hand, is based on the wisdom of your spirit. It is not self-serving, but is always in the best interests of all involved . . . and that includes you. Even when time is of the essence, and a decision must be made quickly or an action must be taken immediately, when you are coming from spirit you will still experience an underlying sense of peace.

A regular practice of meditation—especially in the morning—is helpful because it enables you to stay more connected to your spirit throughout the day. And because of that, you are better equipped to appropriately and effectively respond to situations, rather than rashly react to them.

This can be true even when you are in immediate physical danger, and you need to protect yourself. For example, on a recent road trip to Las Vegas, I suddenly noticed that a tire had flown off of an approaching truck, and the tire was now in my lane and hurtling straight at me! Instead of hastily reacting to the situation, I found myself actually taking the time to more accurately assess which way I should steer my car in order to avoid a collision . . . which—contrary to my first impression—turned out to be to the left. The entire incident only spanned a few seconds, but when you are open to the calming influence of your spirit, that is more than enough time to make a more thoughtful choice.

If you want to experience life as an effortless flow of major and minor miracles—instead of an arduous, endless struggle—remember that, to a great degree, it is a matter of personal responsibility. That is, it’s a matter of your response ability.

Commit to a daily practice of meditation and you will find your ability to respond greatly enhanced, and your tendency to react greatly reduced. And that’s a good thing. That’s a God thing.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Value of Meditation

September 9, 2007

Dear Friends,

In my experience, just becoming aware of the ways that I receive divine guidance, and becoming aware of the ways that I block or limit my experience of that guidance, has been enough to greatly enhance my ability to live life in the divine flow . . . and fulfill my heart’s desires effortlessly.

Most people are looking for more than “awareness,” though. They want something concrete that they can “do” to be in the flow. They are looking for some kind of “technique” that they can employ to experience the flow’s miracles more freely and more frequently.

Well, there is one thing that you can do that will dramatically magnify the experience of the divine flow in your life, and I highly recommend it. That, quite simply, is to meditate—and to meditate on a daily basis.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the practice of meditation, there is nothing really mystical or magical about it. Meditation is simply a way of slowing down your thoughts. Generally, it involves focusing your attention on one solitary thing, such as your breathing, or a comforting phrase, or a peaceful image.

As other thoughts arise—as they invariably will—you observe those thoughts, but you don't let yourself get caught up in them, or get carried away by them. Instead, you simply allow those thoughts to pass by—like watching clouds floating across the sky—and you gently return your awareness to the focus of your meditation.

And how, exactly, does this enhance your ability to be in the flow? Meditation dramatically increases your ability to “hear” G.O.D.—the Guidance Of the Divine.

It is difficult to hear that still, small voice when your mind is always full of noisy self-talk . . . that endless chatter in your head about what just happened, what it might mean, and what might happen next. A daily practice of meditation is an effective way to quiet your mind, and open up enough gaps between your incessant thoughts so divine guidance can come through.

That guidance may not come to you during the meditation itself. But a regular practice of meditation—especially in the morning—can help you maintain a state of mind that is much more open and receptive to divine direction throughout the day.

When you start your day in a meditative way, thoughts that enter your mind later that morning, or in the afternoon, are much less likely to immediately take hold, take over, and consume you. Instead of automatically connecting one thought to another, and another, and another, you are more readily able to leave a little room between your thoughts.

It is through those open spaces that Spirit speaks to you. It is through the gaps between your thoughts that divine insights and divine inspiration can make their way into the world.

In short, a daily practice of meditation helps you become more "open minded," so you can be more present and receptive to divine direction all day long. And in the end, that’s what living life in the divine flow is really all about.


P.S. If you are new to meditation and would like more detailed instructions, here is a link I found that will answer most of your questions: Just click here.

© 2007 Steven Lane Taylor

Friday, August 31, 2007

Labor Day

September 2, 2007

Dear Friends,

In both the United States and Canada, the first Monday in September is Labor Day, a day when we honor the hard-working men and women in this world by taking a day off from our labors to pursue more pleasurable activities.

When you live your life in the divine flow, however, even "labor" can be a pleasurable activity. Instead of being "work that requires strenuous effort," as labor is defined by Webster, labor can actually be an endeavor of effortless ease.

When you follow divine guidance, and concentrate only on taking the next right step that is right in front of you, you can find yourself accomplishing the grandest of goals without undue stress, strain, or struggle.

That doesn't necessarily mean that the realization of your dream will be swift. Nor does it necessarily mean that your journey will be direct, and free of unexpected twists, turns, and detours. It simply means that--when you stay centered in the present moment, and stay focused only what you are being divinely directed to do right here and right now--even the most daunting of tasks can be undertaken with a sense of peace and grace.

So enjoy your Labor Day, my friends. And remember, when you live your life in the divine flow, every day can be Labor Day--every day can be a holiday from self-imposed burdens and unnecessary suffering.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Friday, August 24, 2007

Faith or Experience?

August 26, 2007

Dear Friends,

The very first time I decided to solve a problem by consciously putting my “faith” in the divine flow, I experienced a minor, but immediate, miracle. Later that same week, I tried it again. And again, the challenge I was facing worked out miraculously. And when I consciously relied on the flow to help me with another issue a few days later, once again everything fell into place marvelously.

I’m not sure, however, if “faith” is the most accurate word to use in describing those early experiences. Why? Because the first few times I turned my problem over to a “higher power,” I honestly didn’t think it would work. At the time, I was skeptical about the whole “let go and let God” thing. But I could also see how my usual way of handling challenges—through control, manipulation, force, and persuasion—wasn’t working very well. So, even though I was extremely doubtful that any kind of positive outcome would occur without my direct involvement, I decided to “give God a shot,” so to speak.

Twenty years later, I have countless stories about how the divine flow has consistently responded to my needs and desires. So, at this point, you would think that I would be a person of great “faith,” right? Well, sort of.

I actually rarely use the word “faith,” because to some people that means believing in something without any concrete reason to do so. But I have plenty of concrete reasons to believe in the flow. My life experiences have proven to me over and over again that we do, indeed, live in an intelligent, responsive universe—a universe that is continually offering us its celestial assistance. So today, when I consciously rely on the flow to help me fulfill a specific desire or solve a particular problem, is that an example of “having faith” . . . or is it just a reasonable expectation based on two decades of experience?

It’s an interesting question, but not nearly as important as this one: Why is it that we can experience miracle after miracle, year after year, and still quickly revert to that feeling that it is up to us—and us alone—to get what we want or need out of life?

It’s amazing to me that—no matter how often we experience the divine flow in our lives—turning to that flow for assistance is still not something that most of us do instantly. Instead, our first thought is usually “What am I going to do about this?”

Perhaps the clearest answer to this larger question is in the books of Eckhart Tolle, who writes about the development of our ego-identities, and how those identities are essentially based on a sense of separation from others (and thus, from God). He goes on to explain how—deep down inside—part of us believes that we will literally cease to exist if we ever give up the separate “I” that we think we are. So we cling to that sense of “I” tenaciously.

Based on that, it’s no surprise that “What am I going to do about this?” is often our initial reaction to any need or issue that arises in our life . . . regardless of how often we have experienced the miracles that come from a sense of oneness instead of a sense of separation.

The good news is this: It gets easier to “have faith” as time goes by. Yes, when a challenge arises in my life, sometimes my first thought is still “What am I going to do about this?” But I no longer have that thought every time. And when I do have it, I don’t retain that thought for very long.

Year after year, I find it easier and easier to remember that I am part of a universal whole that is continually guiding me toward my highest good, and toward the highest good of all. Day by day, I am able to “let go” more quickly, and “let God” more readily.

Here’s to the “faith” that comes from practicing the principles involved with living life in the divine flow, and discovering through “experience” that these principles do, indeed, help us live more joyful, fulfilling, and effortless lives.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Bigger Picture

April 19, 2007

Dear Friends,

When Carol and I moved into our home in Sedona, Arizona, we quickly noticed an interesting phenomenon. There is a large picture window in our living room that perfectly frames one of the most popular sights in Sedona . . . a red rock formation called Bell Rock. When viewed from our living room, Bell Rock fills much of the window, and it looks huge. But when we step outside onto the patio, Bell Rock seems to suddenly shrink.

Why? Because when we are outside we see the whole picture. We see the vast blue sky above Bell Rock, all of the terrain beneath it, and the mountains that flank Bell Rock on the left and right.

Last week I was in Seattle, Washington visiting my son, Dustin, and speaking at a Unity church just south of the city. One day, I went hiking near Washington’s famous Mount Rainier, and I noticed the same phenomenon. When seen in the context of everything around it—the sky above, the river below, and the mountain ranges on either side—Mount Rainier still looks immense (because it is!). But it seems even more prominent when seen through the window of the visitor center.

Isn’t life like that? Mountains often represent the challenges you face in life, and, yes, some challenges are quite significant. But when they are viewed through the confines of your limited perception—when they are “framed” by your highly personal, highly biased, and highly subjective beliefs and fears—these challenges can seem much larger than they really are.

When, instead, you look at the big picture, and let go of how you are framing the object of your attention, obstacles become less insurmountable and more manageable. And what, exactly, is the big picture?

Well, for one, it helps to remember that you never have to overcome any troubling circumstance alone. In fact, you have the entire universe on your side . . . a universe that is continually working on your behalf to help you solve or overcome any particular problem. And to the universe—to that intelligent, compassionate energy we call God—every problem, regardless of its seeming size and complexity, is eminently solvable.

And secondly, it helps to keep in mind that any current challenge you are facing is just one small portion of your entire life experience. Yes, that portion may totally dominate your experience at the moment—in fact, it may be all you are able to focus on right now—but eventually you will come to see this situation as just one part of the complete picture of your life.

Remember that no matter how enormous your current difficulty appears to be, it really only looks that way from your restricted point of view. The Truth is, all challenges are smaller challenges when viewed in the context of God’s unlimited love, and God’s infinite inventiveness. All problems are smaller problems when you are able to look at the bigger picture.

I hope you find as much comfort in that thought as I do.


© 2007 by Steven Lane Taylor

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Literal "Signs" From God

August 12, 2007

Dear Friends,

Although your intuition is the most valuable and reliable source of guidance you have, there are many other vehicles that Spirit uses to communicate with you. If you are open and receptive, awake and aware, you will see "signs from God" all around you.

These divine signs are there to point you in the right direction, a direction that--at that particular moment--is the most beneficial way of reaching your chosen destination. What fascinates me is this: Quite often, those divine signs are literal signs--actual printed messages posted on a wall or some other surface!

Those of you who have read my book may recall that I was divinely guided to my publisher through a series of events that included a billboard I saw on the side of the highway. What a divine sign that turned out to be!

Then, shortly after publishing, I received another sign from God that was related to my new career as a spiritual author. This sign was posted on the side of a bus, and it simply advised me to "Spread the Word." Those three words happened to be the very same words I had just come up with an hour earlier to express what I thought my new mission in life was. I appreciated the confirmation that my focus was, indeed, divinely sanctioned.

Here's one final example, and it couldn't be more perfect. This one is from Anne, a woman who recently attended a talk I gave at a Religious Science church in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Anne told me that at one point in her life she was thinking about making a decision that would alter her future dramatically. It was such a radical change, she had a lot of fear about making this choice, and she spent many long days (and many sleepless nights) wondering if her life would really be better by making this move. More importantly, though, she wondered how much she would regret it later if she chose not to take this action.

She wondered, wondered, wondered, until one morning she woke up and went into her living room. There, sitting on the couch, was her oldest son's friend. And guess what was printed on his T-shirt? "DON'T DIE WONDERING!"

Needless to say, that was just the sign from God that Anne needed. As she told me, "It was just a message on a T-shirt, but it propelled me into action in an astonishing way." She made her choice--a choice for change--and she has no regrets to this day.

As my favorite saying goes: "There's God. And There's Not Paying Attention." Pay attention, my friends, and the divine direction you are seeking may be literally spelled out for you on a billboard, on a poster, or even on a T-shirt.

What a blessing it is to know that we can be that clearly guided! Thank you, God!


© 2007 Steven Lane Taylor